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HELLO. I'm Jasmine Alyssa
And i'm SIXteen this year :D
People wish me 'happybirthday' on every 30.08 !
Buy me chocolates and i will love you to bits!:D


Aug 21, 2008
Aug 23, 2008
Aug 26, 2008
Sep 4, 2008
Sep 6, 2008
Sep 9, 2008
Sep 12, 2008
Sep 15, 2008
Sep 18, 2008
Sep 19, 2008
Sep 20, 2008
Sep 24, 2008
Sep 26, 2008
Sep 27, 2008
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Oct 19, 2008
Oct 20, 2008
Oct 21, 2008
Oct 22, 2008
Oct 24, 2008
Oct 25, 2008
Oct 27, 2008
Oct 29, 2008
Nov 10, 2008
Nov 15, 2008
Nov 18, 2008
Nov 19, 2008
Nov 24, 2008
Nov 25, 2008
Nov 27, 2008
Nov 28, 2008
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Dec 19, 2008
Dec 21, 2008
Dec 23, 2008
Dec 26, 2008
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Oct 29, 2009
Oct 31, 2009
Nov 1, 2009
Nov 6, 2009


Saturday, September 20, 2008 4:22 PM

Oh, look! Its seven in the morning..
guess what?
mum woke me up for church today..
So, went to bathe ant get ready..
After that, went to wake up Chrispian to get ready..
He said he don't want to go..wanna sleep longer..
ISH!.. I already took by bath and got ready and he said NO. told mum and she asked me to continue sleeping..
How the heck am I going to sleep after bathing?!.. Yea, that's why I am blogging at this time..
Im gonna take my revenge* mimicking bad villain's evil laugh in the movies*
I have no freaking idea what to do now.. I can't sleep. So, blogging popped into my mind..
Fine... I'll post bout yesterday then.

20 September 2008 (Saturday)
Woke up as usual for tuition.So tired.But I cannot complain. I just wanna sleep a few minutes longer... )': Well, got ready and woke up my sis.. * I know.. Why do I wake my siblings up everytime? Well, mum always wake me up first and let them sleep longer.. NO FAIR!, right? So, yea... went for ITS. finished at 11.00. Went for brunch. Dad fetched bro from the driving institute and he joined us later.. After that, bro wanted to go to Deli papa's for his " substitude for lunch" cause the one he ate was his so-called breakfast. So, yea.. went for some roti tissue. and its 1.38 and I have a examination mass at 2!.. He still slowly eats his roti tissue's. (2 to be exact).. Then, drove him to Mater Dei for his choir practice.(AND HE DOESN'T WANT TO GO FOR CHURCH TODAY!) Then, I asked dad to send me home a while to eat some meds cos I don't feel well. Dad drove me down to cathedral for the mass.. I was obviously late cos I stood outside.. and the sun is scorching HOT!.. Met Ah Vian and her friend. So we stood together and bathed in sweat, literally. After mass, I got a ride home from Clinton's mum. She was so friendly and Clinton grew so tall over the years. The last time I saw him was Primary 6 i guess. He's so tall now. He makes me look short. Yea, thanks clinton. And then the bad thing is I forgot to bring the keys!.. I called my sis cos mum mentioned she will be home. So, yea.. Guessed what she was doing?.. SHOWERING!.... I had to wait till she finished showering then she went outside to open the gate for me. I was stuck outside the house for a whole 5 minutes! Serves me right for not bringing the keys. Then, I went to shower myself and got ready for my BM tuition. Walk there with my sis and we walked back together. On the way back,we saw a huge german shepard and a cute shih tzu! I told my sis there was a big dog and she said "cheh, so small!" so, continued walking till our gate. I opended the gate and I heard the dog growled. Then, my sis shouted and ran to my side. She said the dog bit her butt. :P! "I shoo-ed the dog away. thanks to me my sis butt will not be the dog'd dinner! * thank the heroin song playing at the background * Maybe the dog was mad cos she said it was small* Then, got ready for dinner at Lutong cafe. Then packed cakes from Secret Recipe as my dad promised!. OMGEE~ the white chocolate macadamia was heaven!..Its so soft and there was walnuts in it too. I love nuts~ It's so delicious, I finished the whole piece.. Hehe, don't blame me for being chocoholic!. ngee:D